Why Choose Market Breed over Dairy or Wool Breeds?
There are over 210 breeds of goats in the world in three basic categories:
- Dairy
- Meat
- Wool
Here are pictures of different types of doe’s; dairy, meat, and wool.
- Dairy Breeds: the body emphasis is on milk production as seen in the thin body and very large udder. They do not make good market goats due to their lean muscling. Their bodies are designed to produce milk.
- Market Breeds: This Boer doe has a thick body and very small udders. This is true for the beef breeds; Holstein cows are very thin with big udders while the meat breeds such as Angus or Hereford are thick with no udders.
- Wool Breeds: Wool breeds are focused on developing hair/wool. Under all that wool is a thin body. Not a good choice for a market class…but they are cute!
Understanding the importance of the right breed for the right class will help your class success.
For market classes in the United States, most show the Boer breed. The primary reasons for picking the Boer breed is that they are hardy, fast growing, and thick bodied goats. Unlike the dairy goat breeds, they are not known for their milking ability. While many market goats are crossed with other breeds, the dominate breed is the Boer. In my earlier days (circa 2004) of showing market goats, the local breeders had crosses that were Boer/Nubians. Because of the tall Nubians they were leggy and long. It wasn’t too long before the local breeders began developing their herds into higher percentage Boer goats.
The Boer goat is easily identified by their white bodies and brown head/neck. Even as young goats, it is easy to see how their thick boned structure is the future of a thick meat goat. There are 3 main market breeds, Boer, Kiko & Spanish. In the US, the competitive classes all show the Boer breed.
Thank you Hummel LIvestock for the use of your great pictures!