One of the most important steps in market project management is weighing your animal. Feed amounts must be adjusted by knowing the weight changes. On average, weighing your project should be performed every two weeks for the first month and then weekly until the show. If a scale is not available for your use, there are other steps to give you a good idea of your projects growth rate
NOTE: Always find a way to weigh your goat, lamb or pig! It will help to keep you on track!
Keep a record of every weighing!
This record will help you and your advisers to adjust your feed rations. Refer to feed articles for more specifics on Feed Management.
Starting Weight: _____________ Starting Date: _____________
- Record the Feed & Weight Information to be calculated with the new weight information.
- Date
- Lbs of Daily Grain Fed (Be sure to weigh your feed every day & record the feed weight)
- Days between Weighings (in the early go, this may be a once every 2 weeks spread)
- Total Feed Fed – calculate the daily feed amount by the number of days since last weighing.
- Last Weight – enter the last weight.
- Record the Current Weight Information & Calculate
- Current Weight
- Subtract the Previous Weight & record the Total Weight Gained.
- Average Daily Weight Gain (Calculate Days between Weighing / Total Weight Gained)
- Feed to Weight Totals (Calculate Total Feed Fed / Total Weight Gained = Daily Average Feed Amt to Gain 1 lb of Weight)
This math equation will show if the feed needs to be increased or decreased to make show weight.
Using a standard fabric tape measure, follow the steps below to estimate the weight of your project.
Distance C
This measurement is called the Heart Girth. Measure the circumference behind the front legs and record two times in the formula below. On a sheep, ensure an accurate measurement by compressing the sheep’s wool so that the circumference reflects that of the body and does not include that of the body plus the wool.
Distance A-B
This measurement is from the corner of the shoulder to the start of the tail. Measure and record in the formula below.
Heart Girth ______ x Heart Girth ______ x Body Length ______ / 300 = Total Weight
Using a standard fabric tape measure, follow the steps below to estimate the weight of your pig.
Distance C
This measurement is called the Heart Girth. Measure the circumference behind the front legs and record two times in the formula below. .
Distance A-B
This measurement is from the base of the ears to the start of the tail. Measure and record in the formula below.
For pigs weighing Less than 150 lbs.
Heart Girth _____ x Heart Girth _____ x Body Length_____ / 400 + 7 = Total Weight
For pigs weighing Over 150 lbs.
Heart Girth _____ x Heart Girth _____ x Body Length_____ / 400 = Total Weight
How to Calculate Weight using a Specialized Weight Tape
At your local or online livestock feed store, there is a tape measure specifically designed to measure your goat, lamb, pig, horse or steer. One side of the tape is a standard tape measure and the other side will list calculated weight. Buy the tape for your specific species and follow the instructions on the tape.
Mechanical Livestock Scales
This type of scale has been around for many years and was the only option for weighing livestock. This is a manual scale using weights. This type of scale is now sold in both manual and digital weight readouts. This setup is heavy duty and requires 4 people to safely lift and load it into a truck or trailer. This setup of the cage and scale is priced together for approximately $2300 delivered.
Portable Digital Scales
This by far is the easiest way to accurately weigh your project. These digital scales are lightweight and can easily be loaded by one person. No big truck required! If your club does not have a digital scale, make plans to fundraise for this important investment. This setup is both a digital scale and a cage for pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, and other small animals. I personally have weighed on this setup a 6.5 lb. Yorkie dog!
This setup is light, portable, easy to use, and accurate. It saves time and backaches of the heavier scales. This setup contains two items, the cage, and scale. They are priced together for approximately $800 delivered. The cage easily pins together and the scale reader can be hung on the side. Our club mounted the scale on a block of wood with two utility hooks on top. This protected the scale reader and made it easy to hang on the top rail. This setup is easy to take to different locations for weighing. The pins can be stored in a small bucket to prevent loss.